Korra Hentia

Serial Cleaners Game Review

“That is not the way I can remember.”

New York City. New Year’s Eve 1999. An unlikely team of four professional mob cleaning staff gathers to drink and reminisce about their professional lives during the first decade of the millenium. The dark truth of their co-operation begins to emerge as the stories of the four cleaners for the mob start to match up. Then, slowly, what was initially a celebration of 10 years of shared history becomes an uncomfortable and potentially dangersome conflict.

Get to know them during a strange time in their lives.

Serial Cleaners is a tribute to 1990s cinema. From Tarantino’s most acclaimed films to the cult crime thrillers, B-movie action classics, and other films, Serial Cleaners mixes those familiar scene, people and characters in a unique spin on an era full of joy and despair. Our rich and varied soundtrack is made up from a wide range of styles that defined at the close of the 20th century from East Coast hip hop to industrial metal and even rave. It doesn’t matter whether the 90s’ music was determined by clubs, festivals or radio stations, we’ve got you covered.

Moving without noise. Clear without emotion. Make sure you do not leave a mark

Four characters and perspectives. Four play styles. The ability to use street smarts, brute force technological innovation or traditional tricks of the trade lets you face the same challenge in a different way. Select your way through the non-linear narrative by selecting the portion of the story that you would like to hear the next time, and take each task with the utmost care or swagger you’d would like. Employ stealth, exploration and speed when the scenario (and your personal experience) calls for it. To erase the decade’s legacy, get rid of all corpses as well as any other evidence that could be an imminent threat prior to the time when the next millenium arrives!

The Review by ashe ow hentai

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